Andrea Bailey Psy.D., (她/她)是一名有执照的临床心理学家,并在富勒获得了博士学位 School of Psychology in Pasadena, CA. 她曾在 college counseling centers 她在加州州立大学长滩分校完成了博士实习 her post-doctoral hours at Cal Poly Pomona. 她 enjoys working with students from 许多不同的背景,帮助学生更好地了解自己和如何 they can live their most meaningful lives. 她 specializes in family of origin 担忧, 性问题,学习如何管理情绪,探索目的和精神 担忧.她从包括依恋在内的综合视角来处理她的工作 and relational perspectives, incorporating ACT and mindfulness practices. 外 工作之余,她喜欢与朋友和家人共度时光,沉浸在大自然中,创作 音乐. 

萨拉·布彻,M.S.LMFT, (她/她) is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. 她 received her master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) at Fuller Graduate School of Psychology. 她曾在 community-based, in-home, private practice, and school settings.  她的经历包括 处理各种各样的问题,比如抑郁,焦虑,悲伤和失去,夫妻 工作和关系问题,育儿挑战,围产期心理健康,身份认同 questions, spirituality 担忧, and life transitions. 萨拉特别注意 与客户的背景和背景有关利用家庭系统,以依恋为基础, dynamic, and culturally humble approach. 她 believes therapy is a place where people 能够探索并努力理解他们的关系、动机、经历, 在一个安全的环境中培养情感,同时培养自我意识和能力 实现关系. When Sarah isn’t working she enjoys reading for pleasure, swimming, and spending time with 朋友 and family. 

鸟叔艾莉森·约翰逊.D., (她/她)是持牌心理学家,并获得临床心理学博士学位 加州职业心理学院的跨文化重点课程. 她 completed her post-doctoral internship at P.C.C. 从那时起,约翰博士. 约翰逊 has worked in hospitals, private practice, and community healthcare. 她受过训练 以解决方案为中心的简短疗法. 她 enjoys working with students who have experienced 学业上的挑战,是难以适应文化,那些想要 改善他们的沟通,提高他们的能量,减少焦虑,或者超越 创伤经历. Dr. 约翰逊 likes mystery, sci-fi, and fantasy, watches car shows 还有一些人玩电子游戏,跑半程马拉松,享受旅行和存在 和她的家人. 她会说两种语言(西班牙语).

Vanessa Bermudez,城市生活垃圾, (她/她) is a case manager and clininican. 她 was a first-generation college student who grounds herself in her community, values, and traditions. 凡妮莎转移 from East Los Angeles College in 2016 to UCLA, where she earned a B.A. 在女奇卡诺人 美国文化/文化研究,文学学士.A. 在社会学. 她 then earned a Master in Public Administration and a Master of Social Work from USC in 2020. Vanessa uses kindness, compassion, and 一个创伤知情的护理方法,以确保一个杰出的经验,为客户在 英语和西班牙语兼用. 她 is passionate about working with college students dealing 面对各种各样的生活挑战,包括但不限于大学适应, first-generation, and students dealing with basic needs challenges. 她以前的经历 包括帮助成年人,家庭暴力幸存者,性交易,大学 学生,非传统学生,无证学生,第一代学生,还有 limitations surrounding basic needs. Her current hobbies include hiking, hoosting 朋友 & family and spending time 和她的家人 which include her husband, daughter 还有她的两只狗.

詹妮弗·麦卡特,鸟叔.D.,  (她/她) been a therapist at PCC for over 7 years.  她完成了B。.A. 在心理学中 她在印第安纳州泰勒大学获得临床心理学博士学位 太平洋大学. Her program emphasized a systems approach, integration of spirituality, 和多样性. Dr. McCart has experience working with children, adolescents, families, 以及各种心理健康环境中的成年人,包括:社区心理健康, 儿童和青少年学校咨询、住院精神病护理和医疗康复. 她喜欢做心理测试,擅长多动症和学习障碍 测试. In her leisure time, she enjoys traveling, creative and performing arts, cooking, outdoor activities, and spending time with her children and family.

Preny Alaverdian (她/Her) is a practicum therapist. 她 received her BA 在心理学中 from Woodbury 目前是Alliant International的三年级博士生 洛杉矶大学. 她在工作中积累了经验 at a variety of mental health settings, including in-home, private practice, and inpatient psychiatric care. 她 对多元文化社区充满热情,并有能力提供服务 英语和亚美尼亚语都有. Preny is interested in helping students overcome challenges including academic stress, relationship issues, and motivation. 普雷妮用的是人道主义 确保每个学生在会议期间感到安全,舒适和倾听的方法. 在她的个人生活中,她喜欢欣赏和创造艺术,花时间和她在一起 狗,并尝试新的食物!

陈福祥,M.S. Ed., (她/Her) is a practicum therapist. 她 received a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) at the 大学 of Miami (UM). 她在工作中积累了经验 在澳门大学个人与家庭咨询研究所实习咨询师. 她还在拉金社区做了一年的治疗师实习生 迈阿密医院. 她 is currently interested in working with emerging adults from a variety of backgrounds and supporting international students. 一个十大靠谱棋牌游戏Lucky的有趣事实 is that she loves ice cream and is a conisour of different flavors. 她最喜欢的 are Strawberrycheesecake flavor of Ben&Jerry's, the mint chocolate of Baskin-Robbins, and the raspberry cheesecake flavor of Talenti!

米娅Covello, (她/她) is a practicum therapist. 她收到了M。.A. 富勒大学的心理学博士 目前正在攻读临床心理学博士学位 在同一所研究生院. 她 is passionate about working with people who identify 作为LGBTQ+社区的一员,提供肯定的精神卫生保健,并创造 safe and informed spaces in non-affirming institutions. 当她不工作时, 她喜欢去水族馆,在海滩上散步,或者去某个地方冒险 和她的伴侣在山里. 

文斯斯特维斯 (he/him) is a practicum therapist. He is in his third year of a clinical psychology 阿连特国际大学的博士课程,重点是多元文化 社区临床治疗. He has worked with various populations such as survivors 虐待儿童和家庭暴力以及有智力障碍的成年人, 在谱系上,情绪障碍,精神病,重度抑郁症,物质 虐待和双重诊断. As a Filipino American, Vince is interested in exploring intersectionality with cultures that have experienced diaspora. 除了治疗, 文斯喜欢音乐、跳舞、打高尔夫球,而且总会找地方吃炸鸡 翼. 

刘嘉华,M.A., 他/他正在Alliant International攻读临床心理学博士学位 大学. 他是个人咨询公司的实习实习生,对赋权充满热情 身份 and promoting mental wellness in multicultural communities. 他的临床 兴趣包括少数民族压力源导航,交叉性,LGBTQIA+探索, and Asian-American 身份 and experiences. In his therapeutic approach, Oscar 采用综合的观点,借鉴一系列的心理模式 to facilitate client growth and progress. His long-term goal is to leverage his education 通过临床工作改善少数族裔社区的心理健康治疗, research, outreach, and destigmatization efforts. Oscar identifies as a queer Taiwanese-Hongkongese 美国人,他希望他的交叉身份可以提供代表, reassurance, and hope to those he has the privilege to serve. 他喜欢唱歌、书法、 and spending time with his 朋友 and family. One of his favorite quotes is "just 多莉的《十大靠谱棋牌游戏》,提醒我们在逆境中要保持韧性.

西德尼·托德,男.A., (她/她) is a practicum therapist. 悉尼是一个四年级的博士.D. 加州大学的学生 阿连特国际大学职业心理学院,博士学位 候选人. 她的创伤知情治疗方法强调建立牢固的关系 with her clients that is built on trust and safety. 她 highly values being a culturally 谦卑和肯定的治疗师,并作为一个盟友站在所有交叉的人 身份. Her clinical interests include women’s mental health, relationship 担忧, attachment-related trauma, and working with LGBTQ+ populations. 然而,她欢迎 the opportunity to help students of all backgrounds and mental health 担忧. In 在业余时间,她喜欢和动物呆在一起,听音乐会,去旅行 去海滩. 

凯特·特纳,M.A., (她/她)是一名实习治疗师,获得临床心理学硕士学位 from Alliant International 大学. 她 is in the process of pursuing her Psy.D. 在同一所学校. Kate is passionate about exploring culturally responsive 干预措施,LGBTQ+积极治疗,以及理解系统性的影响 心理健康的不平等. 她 enjoys working with diverse student populations 帮助个人成长. 她 approaches therapy through an integrative lens, 结合认知行为,以人为本,依恋和关系的观点. 在她的空闲时间,凯特喜欢读推理小说,听音乐,远足 在户外.