
All 学生s who are enrolled are eligible for services. 的 type of service needed may be discussed in consultation with a thearpist in our center. 以下是摘要 of the different types of services that we provide. Should you have any questions about these services, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

At 个人心理咨询, we provide short-term individual therapy, and 会话 are typically 45-50 minutes in length. This is a model for mental health services in which the therapist and the 学生 work together collaboratively in order to set and attain 目标. Brief therapy 目标 are typically specific, measurable, and attainable 目标 aimed at helping the 学生 deal more effectively with psychological/interpersonal difficulties and life stressors that may impede their academic and personal progress. Students who access our services typically find that their needs are met within 3-4 会话.

Our mental health counseling services are not intended to provide long-term care or psychiatric supervision (treatment that includes psychiatric medication), as there is no psychiatrist on staff. Students requiring long-term mental health needs will be referred to off-campus services through our case management services.

Make an 个别咨询 Appointment

的re are times in which brief therapy may not be the best fit for the needs of a 学生. A 学生 may need a specialist to work with a specific diagnosis, their needs may be better suited for long-term treatment or they might prefer to meet with a therapist outside of PCC. In these cases, we work with 学生s to connect them to resources outside our center. We have a staff member whose has time and expertise specifically dedicated to this work. 

Group therapy can be a wonderful way in which people connect with others with similar experiences and 目标, and use the space to work on those 目标 together.

At this time, 个人心理咨询 is not offering group therapy services. 一旦这个 service is available, the website will be updated. 

Preventative mental health is just as important as treatment. Our staff provides the campus community with presentations around mental health topics to help raise awareness 减少病耻感. 下面...

  • 沟通
  • Working with Students in Distress
  • Destigmatizing Mental 健康
  • 时间管理
  • Stress Management and 自我保健
  • Tips for Emotional Management
  • Body Image and Self-esteem
  • Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
  • Managing Text Anxiety and Performance Stress
  • 我们的服务 

If your campus group, club, or class is interested, please fill out Presentation Request Form by clicking below.

Presentation Request Form

Our 个人心理咨询 team is available to consult with faculty and staff on 学生-related 重要的. Some potential indicators of concern are:

  • a 学生 who shows emotionally distress through his/her writing or talking with you
  • marked changes in physical appearance, hygiene, or mood
  • a 学生 who may be overly demanding of faculty/staff attention

If you are a staff or faculty member who would like some assistance with a 学生, please visit our office to schedule an appointment.

的 Caring and Responding to Employees and Students (CARES) team was developed to better respond to 学生s and employees who experience or have experienced the loss of a friend or family member through death or a sudden illness, such as cancer. 的 Team can be contacted through the Office of 个人心理咨询 at (626) 585-7273.